Our Experts

Dr. Vanessa Lacey

Vanessa has vast experience in relation to trans and gender identity issues. She began the process of gender transition in 2007. Vanessa has a foundation in counselling from South East Technological University, a BA in Psychology, an MA from Limerick Institute of Technology and completed her PhD in The Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (TUS) in 2021. Her thesis focused on the loss and grief experienced by adult trans women and their families in the context of gender transition. Vanessa remains a member of the Loss and Grief Research Group in TUS.

Vanessa worked with Irish NGO Transgender Equality Network Ireland for over 11 years during which time she developed the family support group TransParenCI and designed and delivered training to healthcare professionals, teachers, colleges, Gardai and other bodies. She has presented to The UN, PACE (Council of Europe) and the Oireachtas.

In 2022 Vanessa developed Gendercare (www.gendercare.ie) and continues to work in various aspects of gender identity. She is also a member of the World Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare (WPATH) and its European equivalent (EPATH).